Pottenza Global Solutions: Enhancing Expense Management with Yokoy

Yokoy is a travel package that has revolutionized Stadler's business travel processes, making their finance teams 3.5 times more efficient in handling travel expenses. With an 83% drop in cost per expense report and automatic tax refunds, Yokoy brings significant cost savings.

The Leading Expense Management Solution in Europe

At Pottenza Global Solutions, we pride ourselves on delivering top-tier technological solutions to optimize business operations. That’s why we’ve partnered with Yokoy, the leading expense management solution in Europe, to provide our clients with a powerful and efficient tool that transforms the way expenses are handled.

So intuitive,

even a child can use It

Getting off track with manual Expense management

Stadler’s paper-based expense management simply wasn’t cutting it.Employees and the finance team alikewere dissatisfied with the process that simply failed to fulfil the requirements of managing high volumes of expenses that all needed to be validated and approved in an efficient and easy way.

It was time for a new digital expense management tool. After a trial with another provider, Stadler’s management decided to pause further implementation based on user feedback.

Problems included a lack of collaboration in spending processes,frequent manual intervention, and an overall lack of user-friendliness.

Stadler embarked on a new approach to spend management, convening acommittee comprising IT, HR, finance, and production representatives across the company. Their aim: to implement a holistic solution for streamlining and automating business travel accounting, ensuring smooth data flow among the numerous ERP systems.